“Aloha Campus” Usability Evaluation Report

User Goals


Scenario 1


Imagine you are a student new to campus and want to find groups to join on campus. You decide to register for the “Aloha Campus” app.


In the app, find a group that you might find interesting. If none interest you, try finding a group that someone you know might enjoy. View its details and join the group. Then, consider if this feature makes you feel more connected to campus life at UHM.

Successful Behavior

Successful behavior would include the user either using the explore page or search feature to find new groups to join and viewing at least one group page before successfully joining a new group. By doing so, the user feels that they are more connected to campus life.

Scenario 2


Imagine are a student that needs to find a group member for two different classes (ICS 691D and ICS 613). It is only the second week of school and you can’t remember all of the people in your classes.


In the app, scroll through the classes of the test user and find someone that is taking both ICS 691D and ICS 613. Then, consider if this feature would make it easier for you to form connections with other students?

Successful Behavior

Successful behavior involves successfully viewing and browsing the test user’s classes and viewing and browsing multiple other profiles of people reached from viewing the enrolment of the test user’s classes. By doing so, the user finds someone to theoretically form a group with and finds it easier, in general, to form connections on campus by using the app.

Scenario 3


Imagine you are the leader of a newly founded finance club in Shidler that is looking to recruit freshman and sophomores. The club is called “Future Finance Pros”, and members get access to talks with industry professionals and resume/interview guidance. Next month, you are having your first in person meet and greet.


In the app, create a new group for your finance club. Input all the relevant details and make sure it is publicly visible after creating the club. Then, consider if you believe it will be easier to recruit underclassmen for your finance club by using the app. Do you think this feature makes campus life more lively and accessible?

Successful Behavior

Successful behavior includes successfully creating the group and adding all necessary details in the appropriate areas. By doing so, the user believes it will be easier to spread information about the group and recruit underclassmen to join. Furthermore, the user thinks that using this feature in the app makes campus life more lively and accessible.

User Types

There is only one user type:


I have personally recruited 3 freshman and 1 transfer student at UH that will participate in the user evaluation. I have also recruited 2 additional upperclassmen (1 junior and 1 senior) that have attended UH for at least 4 semesters each. I have a personal connection to all participants through my involvement in UH Athletics.

The recruitment process involved the project team asking potential users face-to-face if they would be willing to participate in the evaluation until enough participants were gathered. As well, only iPhone users were recruited, since the app is only deployed on Apple’s Test Flight.

Their is no incentive, monetary or otherwise, offered to users in this evaluation.

See the following preview of the consent form signed by each participant in the evaluation. Consent was obtained from all participants and a hard copy of the signed consent form for each participant has been collected by the team.

Participant Description

An anonymized description of each participant is as follows. The total population of users in this evaluation is 6, including 3 freshman, 1 transfer, 1 junior, and 1 senior. They are encoded by A-F.

Participant A:

Participant B:

Participant C:

Participant D:

Participant E:

Participant F:

Description of Setting

The usability evaluation took place in the UH Manoa Swimming & Diving Team room located underneath the spectator stands of the Duke Kahanamoku Aquatic Complex at UH Manoa. On December 4th, 2023, all but one of the participants were gathered at 8:45am to do the user evaluation, which lasted about 30 minutes. One user did the study the previous day on December 3rd at 2pm, and they received the same script as the other participants.


After collecting each signed evaluation consent form, the script found by clicking the link above was followed during the evaluation.

Raw Data

This section outlines the raw data, which was directly inputted here during the usability evaluation. For each scenario, each participant’s response is shown below.

Scenario 1:

Participant A:

Participant B:

Participant C:

Participant D:

Participant E:

Participant F:

Scenario 2:

Participant A:

Participant B:

Participant C:

Participant D:

Participant E:

Participant F:

Scenario 3:

Participant A:

Participant B:

Participant C:

Participant D:

Participant E:

Participant F:


Generally, the user goals were accomplished, but this should be taken with a grain of salt, because test users envisioned a finalized version of the app when stating whether they thought the feature accomplished its related goal.

This section identifies the top 4 usability/viability issues that the evaluation revealed. Issues have been created on the app’s project board dedicated to solving these top issues.

Exit Mobile Keyboard

When creating a group, users could not remove the mobile keyboard that appears when typing on an iPhone. There needs to be a way to exit that mode in order to reveal the create button. Or move the create button so that it is clickable while the keyboard is still up.

More Group/Student Information

A group’s page and student’s profile pages should include contact information and other social media links. Many users found that the information displayed was not enough to decide if they liked a group or not.

Display publicly a group’s membership

More than 1 person said they wanted to see who was in a group before joining, this would be a simple feature to add.

When searching for students, add filters to refine the search (class, interests, etc). Many people thought the second task could be tedious if lots of people used the app.